gender affirmation

Having a good relationship with a doctor to help you through your medical gender affirmation is super important. Everyone deserves to feel safe & supported throughout their journey.

informed consent model 📝


Informed consent means being given correct & adequate information so that you’re able to make a decision about your health care. For gender affirmation, we talk about different hormone options, the risks, effects, combinations and how they might work with other medications or recreational drugs.

The process takes 2-3 appointments in total. After talking about your general health, we will talk about how you want to affirm your gender medically, and associated goals.

A genital exam is never required.

More info on the informed consent model can be found here.

gender affirming hormones 💉


Once we’ve gone through the informed conset side of things, we get to talk about gender affirming hormone therapy and what options might work for you.


masculinising hormones

Masculinising hormones are typically used by trans people who were presumed female at birth including men and non-binary people.

Here’s some info from Transhub & Equinox on masculinising hormones.

feminising hormones

Feminising hormones are typically used by trans people who were presumed male at birth, including women and non-binary people.

Here’s some info from Transhub & Equinox on feminising hormones.